miercuri, 27 mai 2015


You reap what you sow.
How can a human being preach to another human being to let a bit go of themselves , and the same preacher advise another one , who is at the 'let go''level to relax ?
Aren't we a bit , hyprocrite ?
The thing is , I don't really take into consideration preaching. I just am. I do have moral values , even emotional values. But ,''at the moment , the number you're trying to reach is disconnected" , please try again later. Or just , stop trying. Cause it never works that way. It never works if you are overthinking it. If it doesen't feel right , and you don't feel comfortable in a certain situation which you've experienced before , stop. 
Don't put on hold things that are not useful for your personal being. Announce, and leave.
Sometimes, the things you do , they explain the way you are.
The way you was.
The way you've been hurt.
The way you're hurting.
...and , in the end , it's a sum of your soul. 
You find out what makes you , yourself.