duminică, 22 aprilie 2012


Si uneori simti ca nu mai poti.
Esti la capatul puterilor.
Nu mai poti vedea de aici incolo.
Si acum.....acum , ce se intampla?
Incotro ?
Azi , azi nu.Dar poate maine....
Maine ....
...............poate maine o sa fie soare.
Pentru ca ploua de ceva timp.Si simt ca am sa ma innec.

luni, 16 aprilie 2012


Toata lumea cauta ceva frumos.
Dar nimeni nu-si da pe bune interesul.
Si suntem egoisti.
Ne gandim numai la noi.
Intr-o zi.....
Intr-o zi o sa ne dam seama ca lumea nu se invarte in jurul nostru , ca individ.
Niciodata...niciodata nu realizam ce avem.
Pentru ca asa suntem noi.
Poate intr-o zi o sa realizam ca totusi , nu suntem singuri aici.
Si poate....poate cineva e acolo pentru noi.
Vrea sa fie acolo.

vineri, 13 aprilie 2012

Let it be wrong.

Pain is inevitable.
Suffering is optional.
That's what they say.
Weird thoughts in my head.
And weird feelings.
I hope I'm wrong.
Cause if I'm not , I was right a few years ago , about feelings.

All my life, my heart has yearned for a thing I cannot name.

Sometimes I wonder if it actually exists.Or is it just an illusion.

I think I'm tired.
And sick.
Sick of all the fake things around.
Sick of people using people.
Sick of waiting for I don't know what.
Pure feelings ? 
Yes , definetly tired.
But now , it's the point of no return.
We can't turn back time.
I wish I could.
I wish I wouldn't have done some things.
But mistakes....
That's how we learn.
Prove me that I'm wrong.I beg you.

Azi , mâine

People come , people go , let them in , let them go.

Şi totuşi uneori îţi lipsesc.

De ce ?
..oamenii sunt alături de tine pentru o perioadă.
După aceea , li se iveşte alt drum.
Şi .... uită de tine.
Dar , oare chiar uită ?
Uneori aş vrea să fie pe aproape , doar să ştiu că sunt bine.Atât , nimic mai mult.
Să stăm la o cafea , o ţigară , ceva , să-mi spună cum sunt, ce au mai făcut.
Dar dacă dorul ăsta nu e împărtăşit , poate ... poate nu are niciun rost să îmi fie dor.
Nu , nu are niciun rost.
Aşa e cel mai bine.
Pentru toţi.Pentru noi.

miercuri, 4 aprilie 2012

Between you and I.

You know....

Sometimes you feel like you're not good enough.

Not worth anything.
Between you and I.
I don't know why , some memories popped up in my head.
When I think about them , it makes me sad.
Haven't you realized that at that certain moment you were everything I ever wanted?
But it doesen't matter anymore.
It's sad to be stuck in the past , because you can't embrace the present.
You've dissapointed.
You're sad.
You're searching for healing.
Desperate to get over it.
I'll tell you a secret.
Appreciate what you have now.
Because when it's gone , it will be for good.
Sometimes because it was too much.
And he or she....maybe they're tired.
Tired of dissapointments.
Tired of waiting.
Waiting for what ?
Promises are not good enough.
Words are not good enough.
You have to prove your point.
Cause if you just say it...
It's zero.
Embrace now.
Now is the moment.
Don't look back.
I don't know why I wrote this , or maybe I know , but some things should remain unexplained.It's a lesson I've learned.It might hurt to lose people,but maybe they just weren't supposed to stay.
.......and a song that reminded me of ...something.