marți, 21 aprilie 2015

21/04 (minus)

Cand credeai ca totul e pentru totdeauna, vine acea zi. Acea zi in care realizezi ca niciodata nu ar trebui sa spui niciodata sa nu spui pentru totdeauna. Suntem si noi efemeri, pana la urma urmei. Uita-te in oglinda. Esti cel de ieri? Cel de ieri, mai conteaza? Da, suntem oameni si constiinta nu ne permite sa eradicam totalmente conceptul de ieri sau mâine, ca deh, totul ar fi asa simplu. Dar daca e ? De ce sa nu ...fii? De ieri? De mâine. Da, am motivele mele sa scriu asta azi. Pentru că ieri. Dar promit, mie îmi promit în primul rând că ieri a fost frumos, dar e și mai frumos să fie totul în crescendo. Să simți fără să analizezi foarte mult. De la perfecționist la perfecționist, mi-e greu , nu să spun asta, ci să o fac. Pentru că noi, cei care ne punem mult prea multe semne de întrebare....suntem puțini mult prea umani. Nu e un lucru rău. Deloc. Doar că....daca ar fi azi sa fie ieri, îmi cer scuze pentru toate lucrurile pe care nu le-am făcut când am simțit." To live and let live". For all of us. 

marți, 7 aprilie 2015

As busy as you wish.

"And along with indifference to space, there was an even more 
complete indifference to time. "There seems to be plenty of it", was all I would answer when the investigator asked me to say what I felt about time. Plenty of it, but exactly how much was entirely irrelevant. I could, of course, have looked at my watch but my watch I knew was in another universe. My actual experience had been, was still, of an indefinite duration. Or alternatively, of a perpetual present made up of one continually changing apocalypse.” 
― A. Huxley, The Doors of Perception ; Heaven and Hell

  Why is time relative, people's perception about time is in a constant change,and this can be explained in a logical and rational matter.
  You need to abandon the idea that there is a universal time shared by everything. Time is simply what clocks measure. But clocks are physical objects that exist in the universe, not some eternal transcendent timekeeper that lives outside the universe. (And by 'clock' I mean anything clock-like such as a vibrating atom or an hour glass.)
  Speed is the ratio of space to time. If space and time are absolute, then the speed of light must be relative, depending upon the speed of the observer. The speed of light is absolute and does not depend upon the speed of the observer, therefore, either space or time must be relative. A more detailed algebraic calculation will show that both must be relative.
  I'm trying to make a point , being no physicist , people are always in a time awareness state. And mostly do not have time for certain things , well, lemme' tell ya a secret. You have the time you wish to spend to do a certain thing. You have all the time in the universe. If you really want to spend your time doing a thing , you certainly have the time. Don't drown yourself in illusions. Just be honest with yourself. Do you have the time to do that ?