marți, 30 decembrie 2014

Scrie-ti propria carte.

  Inca un an e aproape gata. Inca un capitol s-a incheiat. 

  As vrea sa scriu restul cartii din calatorii. Voluntariate. Petreceri . Experiente.
  Sa pot sa aduc o contributie cat de mica , vis-a-vis de interconexiunea umana. Un zambet. O lacrima.O lectie.

  Sa dobandesc cunostiinte pe care pana acum le-am pasat.

  Si nu , aceasta nu e o postare de 'an nou , viata noua'. Pentru ca nu e niciodata asa. Oamenii trec prin schimbari constante , care ajung sa le defineasca personalitatea. Asta daca nu sunt usor influentabili. A fi maleabil e pacat. Pentru ca trebuie sa ai punctul tau de vedere , propriile principii si vise.

  Daca chiar doresti sa faci ceva. Fa-o ! Nu te uita inapoi , sa nu-ti pese de parerile celorlalti. Pentru ca daca acel lucru e ceea ce te face sa te simti bine , ce mai conteaza ? In limite legale , evident. Daca te taie capul sa pleci unde vezi cu ochii , pleaca. Daca de asta are nevoie sufletul tau sa-si recapete echilibrul , da-i bataie. Nu te uita inapoi.

  Daca crezi ca locul tau nu e intr-o corporatie , nu o lua in directia aceea. Da , capitalismul e un adevar crancen , dar exista alternative.

  Vrei sa locuiesti intr-o cabana la munte ? Du-te. Vrei sa locuiesti pe o plaja , alaturi de valuri si carti? Cine te opreste ? 

  Aceasta nu e o strategie de marketing. Poti sa faci tot ceea ce visezi. Tot ceea ce iti propui. Da , trebuie sa tragi de tine pentru asta. Dar se poate. Orice ai face , nu intra in hora , nu te abate de la targetul propus.

  Gandeste pentru tine.

  Viseaza pentru tine.

 Dar nu uita sa comunici.

luni, 22 decembrie 2014

Midnight feels.

  Oh dear lover.
  Whoever you are.Wherever you are.
  Human beings fascinate me. We are all a little piece of heaven , waiting to uncover ourselves. Our sins. Our happiness. Our happy endings.
  We are here , now. And that is all that matters. Won't think about the past , slightly stopping myself from thinking about the future. Because the present is all that matters.
  We have so much to learn from eachother. About our characters, about potentials. Every human being is beautiful , even though we are the humans that destroyed the beauty that surrounded us. That is what we need to recover. We don't need money. We don't need fame. We need to see beyond all the things that society brings forward. We need to see our inner beauty.
  We need to love. Our own selves , the people that are near, and mother nature.
  How do we get there ? How do we get past the routine ?
  We are surrounded by ideas , but we can't find our own. We don't dare to raise our voice. Is that a cause of fear ? Why do we let fear getting in the way of our own lives. What is fear ? Fear of thinking , fear of being called insane , fear of stepping out of the crowd ?
  But what does the crowd have to offer ?
  Think that if you march with them , you get something ? No , you get in the point of no return. You get old, looking in a mirror , and wonder "What have I done with my life?". And then you look back. You see it. The crowd. But you can't see yourself.
  Where were you all these years honey ? Where are all the dreams you had ?
  Thought a new car would make you happy ? Or a new place to live will bring you joy ? I'm sorry about you , because you left your heart out.
  The things that will make you truly happy are the moments you spent with other people. Talking and listening. Personally , I'm a listener.
  So dear you , whoever you are , wherever you are. If you need somebody to listen , I'm here. Because we all need to be listened.