Have you ever had a dream ?
What do you want to be when you grow up ?
Or , who do you want to be ?
Improve quality. Quantity isn't literally nothing. You , little one , have to learn to enjoy the little things.Because nothing is ever more important than enjoying a bit of time alone. Some quality time with the people that matter.
People. You need to learn lots about them. You need to learn to enjoy them without bounds. People, maybe you're still a kid. Or maybe you've grown up and forgot to enjoy them.To trust them. Let me tell you something little one :
People, they all are beautiful in their own way. But for you to see that , you have to understand. And understanding , understanding takes time. Do you have the time ?
I always dissaproved of the concept of not having enough time. You have just about as much time as you actually want to give. You shouldn't have time for excuses though.
Instead of excusing yourself , you should always be honest. Because ain't nobody got time to lose. Not you, nor me.
There are some basics principles I rely on. I think everybody has their own thing. Listen up , not entirely with the ears, but open your heart too. Yes , yes, you are untouchable and limitless. Remember a thing little one : the one you can always count on is yourself. Now , don't become too egocentric. Enjoy your time with others. Because , we all have something to share with others.
You know what I wish for you little one ? To find the ones willing to listen.
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