marți, 27 septembrie 2016
vineri, 2 septembrie 2016
10 before 22
Dreams coming true.
Moving different places.
Gain focus.
Learn even more.
More paperwork.
(I guess we can't escape from that joy.)
Looking back, wow. Things are going way faster then expected.
Opportunities arise.
Go full international.
Becoming citizen of [earth].
Expand memories.
Lose it.
Gain knowledge.
Meeting and understanding reasons.
Building empires.
Building love empires.
Taking care of one's self.
Meet me halfway.
vineri, 1 iulie 2016
Arms open
The way they acted, the way they spoke, the way we connected. I’ve learned until now that nothing lasts forever. But it’s never too late to be kind, open, warm-hearted, and to listen to your mates. Because that’s basically with what you remain from people. With memories. And what is more beautiful than remembering a person? Their way of being, their stories, their vibe.
luni, 6 iunie 2016
6.6.16 - to me and ya.
Get it on !
Your motivation dear,
You can do much more than you've ever thought.
Why be afraid to speak up your mind ? Think, yes, before you do.
But stop being afraid. Afraid to dissapoint, to disturb, to enjoy.
We do not have the same flow of ideas. Neither you, nor me.
We exchange perspectives.Open minds.
You may like chocolate , but I'm a vanilla person, and that's just fine. I do not have anything against it. You can tell me why chocolate is lovely, and maybe I'll learn to enjoy it more.
Acknowledge yourself, and learn to trust yourself. Because if you don't, then who will ?
Look around. How many mistakes can you actually make by expressing your opinions or feelings? We can't be objective about things that are personal.
Does the fact that you were wrong matter so much ? How can you actually learn, if not by trying ? Sometimes it's better to let your ego on a holiday.
So what if you failed today ? It's a brand new day tomorrow. Try again.
And again.
And again.
Until you get there.
joi, 12 mai 2016
Te scot la un covrig, gagica ?
marți, 19 aprilie 2016
The glorification of busy
Image credits: The persistence of memory - Salvador Dali.
luni, 18 aprilie 2016
A trecut ceva vreme. Ce ai invatat de atunci ?
Am invatat ca oamenii sunt liberi. Liberi sa faca ce vrea sufletul lor. Si daca cineva simte nevoia sa interactioneze cu tine, o va face. Si ce e cu atatea prejudecati ?
Daca vrei sa te manifesti. Nebuneste. Fa-o cum o faci. Fa-o fara sa te gandesti foarte mult. Daca simti ca vrei sa faci asta, fa-o. Pentru binele tau.
Suntem putin complicati.Avem nevoie de spatiul nostru.
Si e perfect normal.
Dar te rog eu frumos. Nu incerca sa te ascunzi.
Asta e frumos la noi, oamenii. Amalgamul de sentimente. Si e amuzant, pentru ca habar n-ai ce sa faci. Nu e ca si cum e ceva ce poti sa controlezi
Si te rog, in fiecare zi, aminteste-ti ca tu, tu, cumva, esti important.
O seara frumoasa.
luni, 4 ianuarie 2016
First [2016]
Post-it [1]
Variabile cu esenta comuna.
Indiferent de cine, ce, cum, un sentiment va ramane. Nu e nimic mai frumos decat -a darui timp-. Respira, bucura-te. Nu o sa-l mai primesti inapoi. But that's the beauty of it. Azi, maine, poimaine. Trec. Cu ce ramai? Cu toate ca probabil am dezamagit si eu la randul meu, ce vreau, e sa-ti aduci aminte vibe-ul fain, de-odata. Si sa nu-l uiti vreoeata. Sau uita-l, dar nu uita de unde a venit. Niciodata.