luni, 15 octombrie 2012


"Ai prefera sa fii buna , sau dreapta?" m-a intrebat cineva.
Am ezitat putin.Bun-drept,bun-drept...
Si daca poti fii si bun si drept? societatea zilelor noastre e cam greu, mai ales in Romanica.
Uneori daca esti bun , esti luat de fraier.Si cine vrea sa fie luat de fraier?
Dar defapt nu asta e problema mea fundamentala.Intrebarea asta mi-a raspuns la alte intrebari.Si am realizat ca vreau la drept.Criminalistica , mai exact.De ce ?
E ca un puzzle.Dosar.Probe.Interviuri.Chestii.
E putin sinistru ce zic , stiu.
Poate sunt eu putin sinistra.
Adevaru-i ca imi place cand lucrurile se intampla cum ar trebui sa se intample.
Probabil de aia vreau sa plec cat mai repede cu putinta din tara asta.
Sunt sigura ca as prefera sa fiu dreapta.

marți, 9 octombrie 2012

Time to think.

Who am I ? 
And who are you.
Tricky questions.Have you ever thought about it ? If somebody ask you , who are you , what would you answer ?
I remember , at my first rehearsal at theatre , the director asked me who am I.
Back then , I answered , I don't know , I'm trying to figure it out.
I guess it was the wisest answer I could've given.
'Thing is , if somebody would ask me now , who am I , I would probably answer the same , because I really didn't find out yet , neither am I gonna find out too soon.What I fould out is that I want to be remembered.
I want to be someone who changed something significant.
I may be an awkward person , but I won't try to hide it , it's just , me.And I'm not gonna try to put the 'I adore you' mask if I don't feel that way.
Don't get me wrong , I like masks.
But not society-kind-of masks.Most of the time , I'm honest.Maybe too honest.Some people told me that I might have to lose some things with my cruel honesty , but well , I actually don't care about people who don't accept my character. I've learned it. It's not all rainbows and princesses here. 
A change ? Everyone wants to be a change. THE change. But who actually fights for it ? 
I don't know about you , but one thing I've discovered about myself , I'm a fighter.